Spectro EZ-XC, R2

Event CategoryEvent Type
Offroad/Trail Cross Country


When: Sunday, 20th February 2011
Where: Dome Valley
District: Rodney

12.5 km's from Warkworth and original venue

Organiser: Rodney MCC
text Ph: 021 0232 4901
Warkworth MC’s: Ph: 09 425 8535
Spectrum MC’s: Ph: 09 489 5355
Kaiwaka MC’s: Ph: 09 431 2123
CycleSpot MC’s: Ph: 09 486 1136
Other details:
We have been speaking to the land owner and all was Ok, his words were 'all good, there is a small culvert washed away but you guys will be Ok'.
When we visited the property to see the scale of the culvert that was out...well lets just say a 20 ft container would fit in the place where the road / track was...
So, we have had to have a last minute venue Change to Dome Valley. 12.5 km's from Warkworth and original venue.

The Rodney Motorcycle Club is pleased to present this event again in association with Spectro Oils.

This season we are running the following three events for our 2 hour x-country series. This year’s rounds will have electronic lap-scoring and cost $45.00 per round for a senior and $25.00 for a junior. (Junior race is 1 hour & 15 minutes)

Day Time Line