MX GPs on SKY !!

Posted: Fri 07 May 2004

Never give in - is a worthwhile doctrine, as it just may eventually provide the desired result. It would appear that may in fact be the case with the long running campaign to have MX GPs on TV.

A correspondent, Rob, very recently wrote to SKY, as so many before him have, asking if the MX GPs will be shown on SKY.
Here is the reply he received.

Hi Rob,

We have just managed a separate deal for this event this season, we are due to start with some catch up programmes hopefully in June, then a one hour highlight programme, but as yet the ink isn\'t dry so no schedule confirmed.

Jill Dicken,
Programming Liaison Officer.

That means that we (Kiwi M/c sport fans) will now, most probably, get to see the two Kiwis, Josh and Ben campaigning on the world stage. It is late for sure BUT better late than never.

More importantly though it displays a willingness by SKY to provide that coverage for us. That is a very welcome about turn by SKY for which (if it happens) we will be eternally gratefull.

That result has without any doubt been achieved by the imploring mail directed where it counts by people like Rob and the many others who have campaigned for that outcome. OK, live coverage would be better, but hey, with the right feedback we may in time get that.

Well done guys. Plus, a big thank you to SKY for that result and it is hoped that letters of thanks will go to Jill Dicken and company.