How Watts DNFd

Posted: Tue 20 Apr 2004

The Aussie Shane Watts: who is campaigning in the States has fought hard to Overcome Injuries: to get back to his previous competitive form.
Shane`s PR will be regularly updating Silver Bullet with his progress.

Freak accident DNFs Watts:

The bad luck for Team KTM Offroad star Shane Watts continued on the past weekend at Round 6 of the Grand National Cross Country Championship, held at the Loretta Lynn\'s Dude Ranch in Hurricane Mills, Tennessee.

Watts pulled a magnificent holeshot at the start of the gruelling 3 hour race only to crash on the dry, slick surface a few corners later, relegating him to mid-pack. A further half mile later Watts again tumbled on some loose rocks which subsequently placed him securely at the rear of the 23 rider Pro class. Following another two crashes Watts completed the first lap over a minute and a half behind the lead pack.

\"The start of the race was great for me then it quickly turned horrendous. My first lap sucked! Just doing some dumb and very time consuming mistakes.\"
\"From the start of the second lap I was charging well and made up a heap of time on the leaders, setting the fastest lap time. Right near the end of the third lap I was only 15 seconds behind the lead pack, and closing fast, when a lapped rider pulled over to let me by.
As I was about charge past the lapper he lost his balance and fell over into my path. I hit him hard and I flew over the hangers! Luckily he was okay but the impact with his bike split my waterpump casing. I was pissed because I was feeling really strong and riding extremely confidently. When I saw the steam coming out of my KTM I knew my race was finished.

Watts will now prepare for round two of the Parts Unlimited Offroad Motorcycle Nationals to be held this weekend in Ohio.