MX GPs on TV3??

Posted: Tue 20 Apr 2004

Just received this email from Gerard, who has been moving Heaven and Earth in an effort to get the MX GPs on TV for us.

Hi all,

Well the best news yet! TV3 are going to screen one of the past rounds. Apparently Power Pictures acquired a tape for SKY but since SKY have pulled out of the running they are going to send that tape (we don’t know yet which round it is) to TV3 who will screen it. The tape is a 52’ highlight one.

Once we have dates and times etc we will have to send emails, phone calls etc to every person we know and have them watching TV at that time. The deal is, if the Tape is up to scratch and everything goes well then they will buy the package and we will see highlights of every round!!! + the MXON!!!


Kind regards,