MX1 & MX2 Live on NZ TV:

Posted: Sun 21 Mar 2004

Following is a series of communications from and to a corespondent:

I was surfing around the web looking at GP MotoX sites and came across a contact page for Youthstream who have the rights etc for the FIM World Motocross series.
So I sent the TV guy an email to enquire about screening here. Please refer to following email:

Yes I\'m sorry but even if I have tried to contact some NZ TV channels, they never answered to me!! So I suggest you to check first if any channel is interested to get the rights for New Zealand to contact me straight away and I\'m sure I can offer them good conditions.
Good luck!!
All the best,
Philippe Rahmani
TV & IT Director
Tel: +44 7971 695 812
Fax: +44 7967 215 857

Youthstream is the company that manages the exclusive television, marketing and promotional worldwide rights of the FIM SuperMoto World Championship, the FIM Motocross World Championship, the FIM Motocross of Nations, the UEM Motocross European Championship, and the UEM SuperMoto European Championship.

I have sent this to Silver Bullet in the hope that you may have some contacts in the industry that we can try and convince, that the Nation would sit down and watch this event if it was screened!!!
Look forward to your response.
Kind regards.

So would you like one of our TV channels to provide LIVE coverage of any or all of those series?
Well as it is generally accepted - a hinge will not receive oil if it doesn\'t squeak. You will find listed here, addresses where YOU can \'squeak\'.
The guy actually says he will give them a bargain price on the deal......

Although MNZ thought that no live Moto GP coverage warranted submissions from them, maybe a polite note to MNZ would encourage that admistration now, on behalf of it\'s many members, to solicit coverage of the above series. (The correspondent has himself emailed MNZ with no response to date.) Hey guys, just an email to the TV channels is all that is asked. It has just got to be GOOD for the sport to get this stuff on our screens. Do you agree ? As Trevor Gill himself Wrote: (Contradicting himself somewhat) We all have to do our bit. The reason we got MMP is that we all sat round and did nothing.
I can\'t agree more with that statement as that summed up exactly what I was trying to say in The Sound of Silence:

The addresses are as follows:

The TV1 contacts are:

It\'s up to you guys.
Do nothing - You get nothing.