No Class Changes in '04

Posted: Fri 05 Mar 2004

MX Dates \'n\' Classes: reported that: \"a rule change is being processed to take effect from the 1st July 2004 to change the current three National MotoCross classes to two classes:\"
Motorcycle Distributors Association and Motorcycling NZ have now issued this joint statement.

Motorcycling New Zealand and the Motorcycle Distributors Association have announce that the 2005 NZ Motocross Championships will be two classes only.

Motorcycling NZ had proposed the change this year but after a meeting with the distributors collective last week it was agreed that the change be deferred until 2005. \"We are anxious to come into line with Australia who realigned their classes last year, however, the motorcycle market in New Zealand is different\", this from Trevor Gill CEO of MNZ. \"The NZ distributors agree with us that we will have to make changes but this will have to be co ordinated with the supply chain.\"

Chairman of the Motorcycle Distributors Association, Mr Clive Cooper-Smith gave industry support to the changes in class. \"It is a major move so we need to work together to get the best outcome for the riders and the sport. The distributors and MNZ have formed a joint working party to smooth the way for 2005,\" said Mr Cooper-Smith.

Mr Gill clarified the positions. \"When the 2004 Motocross Championship starts in August there will be three classes - 125s, 250s and open. In 2005 there will be two classes 125 and open.\"

Motorcycle Distributors Assoc
Motorcycling NZ