Desiree Updates;

Posted: Fri 20 Feb 2004

Silver Bullet is one of only a few Websites worldwide that receives Desiree Crossman`s newsy behind the MotoGP scene column (not always PC). She reports on #21 John (Hopper) Hopkin`s MotoGP exploits and her own as they travel the globe.

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Hi everyone,

It\'s been quite some time since I wrote, we\'ve been kept busy with John\'s physical therapy. We were up at Dr. Ting\'s office for a week right after the incident to get his ankles operated on followed by some rehabilitation. After a week up in northern California, we flew back home for a bit before returning back to Fremont for more physical therapy.

John\'s been improving tremendously, being able to walk better. One of his old teammates, Josh Hayes, broke his Calcaneus bone (heel) while Motocrossing back at home in Mississippi so he was up there as well doing the same rehabilitation. We saw him the first time we went up to Fremont, and then this last time he was up there for the same amount of time as John was. John flew up there before me with his crutches and I flew up a day later with the rest of the luggage and wheel chair. I thought I looked like such a dork lugging a huge bag around and an unused wheelchair, but John couldn\'t take much with him obviously so I did it. I was getting a work out carrying and lifting the wheel chair and a big bag.

Once I got up there, we hung out and went out to dinner with Josh. It was a sight to see, not only one, but two guys in crutches wobbling around. Often times there were people looking and would ask what happened. Coincidently enough, they both broke bones doing the same thing at different parts of the US. I believe they\'re doing better though with the therapy they were getting. Both John and Josh were swimming laps for a few hours a day trying to gain back strength and stability.

We haven\'t been home for awhile being up in Fremont part of the time, we missed the Malaysian test and John wanted to be 100% fit for the Phillip Island test. Unfortunately, we\'re going to miss that one as well cause\' John said he wanted to be completely fit to get on and off the bike and be able to put in 70-80 laps per day without feeling any bit of discomfort so we cancelled that test so he can recuperate. Although, he\'s steadily improving, he said he didn\'t want to risk any additional injury.

We have kept up to date with the last tests and times however. Suzuki seemed to improve alittle with Akiyoshi getting into the 2min 3sec margin. We didn\'t know much about Kenny\'s accident. Some people were calling us up asking about Kenny and we told them, \"we know just as much as you do.\" John called his crew chief to find out what happenend and apparently it was a tire failure. Kenny had a near crash with Jeremy McWilliams, but was able to avoid it which is how it resulted in him crashing and dislocating his shoulder. This is what was told to us, but I guess he\'s alright, just taking it easy for the next few days and gearing up for the Phillip Island test which is next week.

John and I on the other hand are heading to Spain next week to watch the first WSBK race and support our good friend, Garry McCoy. Suzuki has another test there in two weeks so we thought it would be cool for us to fly there and watch his race and then a few days later it is the Suzuki test. It made sense. We have another friend going as well to not only watch the race, but test ride the new Ducati. He\'s a journalist so he\'s doing the media thing.

Apart from all this, we\'ve been home hanging out and enjoying the southern California weather. These past few days have been really nice, in the mid 60-70\'s and loads of sunshine. I know I haven\'t written too much recently, but to be honest, there was nothing to really write about, just John doing some physical therapy. He doesn\'t like to sit either, he\'s one to ride his MX bike everyother day or fiddle with something so having to sit on the couch everday and not being able to walk, yes he was bugging me. But oh well, as they say \"It\'s all good\" and now he\'s better and getting back up to speed. Won\'t be long now until he\'s back on the bike. Of course being a racer, he\'s getting anxious and ancy.

Well, until something exciting happens, I will write from Spain next week.

Bye for now.