MNZ Re: Ray Shearman:

Posted: Fri 02 Jan 2004

Hey. I got this Press Release re. Ray Shearman\'s delightful reward for sevices to motorcycling - from MNZ…….
They must like me a bit now ???


Motorcycling New Zealand Life member and Senior Steward RAY SHEARMAN of Canterbury has become a Member of The New Zealand Order of Merit for services to motorcycle sport.

Sherman’s dedication to the sport dates back to 1946 when he first took ownership of a motorbike. He credits his parental encouragement to his mother who was a devotee and active motorcyclist in Christchurch in the 1930s.

The 76 year old retired plumber’s active involvement started in 1951 and he is still stewarding meetings today. Motorcycling New Zealand made him a Life Member in 1998.

Still getting over his honour, Shearman puts his longevity as a steward down to two things. Firstly, it’s the passion for the sport but as important is his ability to leave any controversy behind. “Certainly I have crossed people in my time, as a race official its inevitable, but I never hold a grudge and what happens on course stays there. Lots of old friends and associates have rung me including one guy who I hadn’t heard from since 1954,” said Shearman.

Trevor Gill, CEO of MNZ was one of those callers who passed on his congratulations. “This is a wonderful reward for an individual who has worked tirelessly as an amateur volunteer for half a century. We have all enjoyed the likes of King, Mauger and Slight winning on the world stage; Ray’s medal is on the same level and is lauded by the entire sport”.