Behind the scenes

Posted: Sat 26 Dec 1998

Carol Pryce, Adrienne Arnold, & Gail Bernard are only three of the many volunteers that make an event like Cemetery Circuit possible. These three ladies spent an absolutely beautiful Boxing Day in a shaded room providing race results for the commentators and the media. Believe it or not but this is a full time job - there are no passengers on race day.
It was a great day with the weather almost too good. Obviously a few people must have decided that it would be better at the beach because the crowds were down slightly. There were no serious accidents. This year saw three sidecar races with the last one being handicapped. This was a real crowd pleaser. John Mitchell entertained everyone with his amazing antics. The points are going to be very close going into the next round at Gisborne - this is going to be a great summer series. Catch it if you can.