Last chance for driver licensing

Posted: Mon 21 Dec 1998

The green draft of the Driver Licensing Rule 91001 is out for final comment before being sent to Minister for approval in February. The delay in getting the Land Transport Act 1998 approved, but still retaining 1 May 1999 as the kick-off for the rule, has severely shortened the time available for comment.

Rule 3.2(1)(c)(ii) states that learner motorcyclists will be restricted to 70Km/h. As you will all appreciate, this is a highly dangerous practice on the open road and one which is frequently disregarded by learners in the interests of self-preservation.

I am sure that the Traffic Engineers among you will be able to cite good authority showing safety reasons why traffic should generally move at a uniform speed.

Please EMail to Lloyd Berry at LTSA seeking to have this clause removed. Lloyd\'s address is LJB@LTSA.GOVT.NZ

Feel free to add whatever comments you like about the inherent dangers in such a rule. If you know of any other motorcyclist who has EMail please let them know about this.

External comment must be received by close of play 23 December (8 Jan for LTSA staff, but please do it now!)